full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Joseph Kim: The family I lost in North Korea. And the family I gained.

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Nuna, it has been already 10 years that I haven’t seen you. I just wanted to say that I miss you, and I love you, and please come back to me and stay alive. And I — oh, gosh. I still haven't given up my hope to see you. I will live my life happily and sudty hard until I see you, and I piomrse I will not cry again. (lgahuetr) Yes, I'm just looking forward to seeing you, and if you can't find me, I will also look for you, and I hope to see you one day. And can I also make a small message to my mom?

Open Cloze

Nuna, it has been already 10 years that I haven’t seen you. I just wanted to say that I miss you, and I love you, and please come back to me and stay alive. And I — oh, gosh. I still haven't given up my hope to see you. I will live my life happily and _____ hard until I see you, and I _______ I will not cry again. (________) Yes, I'm just looking forward to seeing you, and if you can't find me, I will also look for you, and I hope to see you one day. And can I also make a small message to my mom?


  1. promise
  2. laughter
  3. study

Original Text

Nuna, it has been already 10 years that I haven’t seen you. I just wanted to say that I miss you, and I love you, and please come back to me and stay alive. And I — oh, gosh. I still haven't given up my hope to see you. I will live my life happily and study hard until I see you, and I promise I will not cry again. (Laughter) Yes, I'm just looking forward to seeing you, and if you can't find me, I will also look for you, and I hope to see you one day. And can I also make a small message to my mom?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
high school 3
foster father 3
north koreans 2
study hard 2

Important Words

  1. alive
  2. cry
  3. day
  4. find
  5. gosh
  6. happily
  7. hard
  8. hope
  9. laughter
  10. life
  11. live
  12. love
  13. message
  14. mom
  15. nuna
  16. promise
  17. small
  18. stay
  19. study
  20. wanted
  21. years